Friday, February 17, 2012

Friend Me

When my children were very young, they used to tell their little friends, “I’m not your friend anymore” over the silliest things.  Perhaps one would not share a toy, and the other one declared, “I’m not your friend anymore.”  I thought it was cute.   My friends and I even joked around and said it to each other because we thought it was funny. 

Today’s message in The Upper Room talks about people unfriending each other on Facebook and other social media sites.  I have noticed this trend in the young adults at school.  I even have a friend who unfriends members of her Facebook community and tells me about it her declarations of unfriendedness.  She doesn’t stop talking to these people, but she smirks at the fact that she has unfriended them.  There is even a National Unfriend Day.  It is not amusing when adults mimic the behavior of 4 and 5 year old children. 

Unfortunately, I have to admit that I unfriended God for a while.  I did not stop talking to him.   I still said my prayers, but I did not have a relationship with him.  I did not have conversations with God.  I thanked him for the day in the morning, and I bid him goodnight and begged blessings in the evenings.   I am trying to build a relationship with God now.  I want Him in my life all day long EVERY day!  I am grateful that He never unfriended me.  I have many sins in my past and fear I have many more in my future.  I might hurt God, but He never unfriends me. 
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for friending me. 

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